End of the Summer CSA Season

The vegetable fields at our CSA group's farm, Garden of Eve on Long Island in NY
Our CSA ended its summer season last weekend and it made me think of how much has happened since we first started sourcing our food intentionally. Our farm dream was largely influenced by our self-education on the industrialized food system. Combine that with our desire to start a business and pursue a different life together and you have our vision of Little Seed and sustainable farming.
For those not familiar with CSAs, the acronym stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Customers pay a lump sum at the beginning of a season (usually winter and summer) and then pick-up the goods over the course of a specified time-period. Our summer CSA runs from June through mid-November. CSAs can pretty much offer any farm product, including veggies, fruits, eggs, milk, cheese, meat, flowers, grains or any combination therein. We did veggies, fruit, eggs and flowers this year.

We first joined the CSA exactly two years ago with what’s called a “winter share”.
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