Dark Chocolate Chèvre Truffles with Red Chile and Honey

I've been meaning to share this one for awhile now. They're so tasty and very easy to make. I put these together for the first time for a little Valentine's day treat for Scrapple this past Feb. while I was interning in the caves at Murray's. At the time, their cave master was doing a collaboration with Mast Brothers Chocolate, an amazing independent chocolatier in Brooklyn (they bring their beans in on a sail boat to conserve energy!) for a special Valentine's day cheese and I was inspired to do some experimenting of my own! 
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Monkey Balls! It's almost Valentine's Day!

One of the many Hedgeapples (aka Monkey Balls) found on the farm last month.

It's that time of the year again! The time of year you start banging your head against the wall trying to think of a Valentine's Day gift or gesture that isn't cliche, boring, or scripted. A few months ago Scrapple commented on how tough it will be to think of gifts to give each other when we're on the farm. I told him he could just pick me a bouquet of wild flowers, but then remembered that V day is in February. Maybe a hedge apple bouquet? 

Here in the city, there have been a few years where I've had an inspiring idea a few months in advance (mainly of the concert ticket or interesting experience variety), but, admittedly, many of Scrapple's V day gifts have been of the "light bulb in the head a few days before" variety. I'm also big into homemade cards :)

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