The Importance of Old Farm Blogs and Why I’m Sad A Favorite is Missing

As would-be farmers we love to read other farmer’s blogs. Not only is it a great way for us to learn through other people’s experiences (for free), but it also goes a long way in helping us visualize our future. We may not agree with everything (or anything) certain farmers do, but learning what we agree with and disagree with is all part of the process. We’re starting with a clean slate, so it pays to see, assess and digest as much of everything as possible.

So when a week or so ago I realized that Nature’s Harmony Farm’s blog was removed from their website I was sad to see it gone. It was one of the first blogs we started reading along our journey, so it held a special place. As we’ve written about before, we even went down to visit Tim and Liz. (To be clear, this was not an active blog that one day just went missing. Nature’s Harmony stopped updating and maintaining the actual blog a long time ago and switched to doing podcasts, which they still host on a regular basis.)

Tim Young and Nature's Harmony's heritage turkeys

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Farm Hopping: Meat & Cheese at Nature's Harmony Farm

Cows Grazing at Nature's Harmony

It’s hard to believe the trip to Georgia was almost six months ago. Now that fall has officially arrived springtime seems long ago and far away.

Along our farm journey we’ve made certain to visit as many farms as possible, many of which we’ve been profiling in our Farm Hopping series. One of the most exciting visits (for us personally, not because something exploded or we won the lottery or anything) was our trip down to Nature’s Harmony. Ever since we got all wrapped up in this farming stuff we’ve been fans of Tim and Liz Young, who run the show down in Elberton, GA. They always struck us as a little bit different and I always admired their ability to ask “why?” when they started farming. Some people view their questioning of current farm practices as being a bit presumptuous, but I always found it inspiring. It takes a lot of courage to challenge an industry that is so well rooted in its practices.

So, Who is Nature’s Harmony Farm?

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