Queen of the Truck Roof

At the risk of my Dad taking his truck back, I post for your weekend viewing pleasure Sabine and her undying love for jumping on the truck. She's the only one that does it, and not too frequently, but when she gets going she's impossible to stop. A goat determined to be Queen of the Truck Roof is a goat not to be deterred. (more photos after the jump)

The hood is not enough, I must have roof

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Weaning. Ugh.

We started the process of weaning Sabine the day before yesterday. This involves separating her from her mother, Mayday, who she has been nursing on for her entire 3 months of being. To make this work we need to keep Sabine in a place where her mom is inaccessible, basically, in a paddock far away from the rest of our goats for a bit. Goats are herd animals and having Sabine be by herself during weaning would make an already trying time even more stressful, so we chose Karmen, one of the more adventurous and spunky Nubian kids to keep her company. Karmen had been weaned when we brought her and three other Nubian doelings to our farm from their previous home at a dairy a few hours away. She and her floppy eared friends had adjusted quickly to life without mom and milk, and we hoped she'd pass that attitude on to Sabine as well as give her some comfort with her presence. 
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Happy Mother's Day!

To our Moms, who's love and support has made us who we are and all the Mothers reading this - Thank you for being so amazing!

Here's a little Mother and "Kid" moment from this past week at the farm we thought we'd share with you for the occasion. At around 11am, after a morning of grazing, the goats all take a little rest to bask in the sun, nap, and chew cud. Sabine, The Buckling, and Springbok always lie right next to their Mom, Mayday. Sometimes, there's some snuggling going on. Springbok (a yearling) is in her teenager stage and wouldn't be caught dead getting a back rub from Mom, but Sabine is all for it!

Hope you all have a special day!