The Year of the Farm - A Recap of 2012

Our most popular Facebook photo, little Joplin!

2012 was an incredible year for us. One blog post can't do the whole thing justice, but I'll take a stab at a quick summary.

Clearly, the biggest event was MOVING TO THE FARM! Leaving NYC in a 26 ft. Penske truck seems like it happened years ago. Hard to imagine it was only 10 months ago.

We packed up all our stuff and the day before we left we got our first animal. Sophie! One of our farmer friends gave her to us and she has since turned into a wonderful livestock guardian dog.

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Postcards from Little Seed - 9.20.12

Always many treasures to be found in the "red barn" (aka dilapidated shack).
Yesterday was sunny with a high of 70F - the goats loved it! Cooler temps mean happy goats out in the sun chomping on pasture all day.

So many of the plants on our farm suffered and almost died in the drought. The hydrangeas had started to bloom right before the 110F days hit... They fried and turned into sad little wispy brown crisps and I was sure they were done for... But they came back! I love how they look as if they could be made from porcelain, or marzipan...

Bridget and Willow, livin' and lovin' every day :)

This is just a glimpse of what we were up against in our bramble battle yesterday. The goats uncovered a massive dump pile under what looked like a bramble hill and now the work has begun in earnest to haul the junk out. The "junk" we've found has been everything from gates, telephone poles (with electrical boxes attached), a wagon, a roof, T-posts, fencing... And I'm sure, much much more. Yikes!

Some wild morning glory vines found their way in and up our rose bushes! ... A reminder that no matter what kind of thorny mess life throws your way, you've got to keep pushing through. There's light and beauty to be had on the other side, if you're willing to suffer a few scratches to get there.