The Young and the Revered

"We need more young people farming". I hear you Palmerino!
Since starting down the path of farming my reading materials have transitioned from finance and Wall St Journal-related to substantially all farming-related. It even goes so far as to subscribing to multiple monthly magazines. I’m not talking ad-laden, glossy covered, highly-edited mags like Garden and Gun, I’m talking about old school, gray paper, stapled-together magazines like Stockman Grass Farmer and Graze Magazine. Nothing like reading a good A.I. vs. natural debate on the train to work...
I've subscribed to the monthly mailings of both magazines for about a year now and I enjoy them thoroughly. The columnists are almost exclusively older and wiser farmers sharing their experiences and tips for successful pasture-based farming and ranching. One of my favorite columnists (and farm-book authors) is Jim Gerrish. He’s written two incredibly helpful books on management intensive and extended-season grazing and he also writes a monthly column in Stockman Grassfarmer. While I absorb and relish the advice and direction provided by those magazines I sometimes want to hear about what other young farmers are up to. Unless I'm reading a blog, it is exceedingly rare to hear about what's going on with other young farmers.  
So much to my surprise this past month Jim wrote about young, beginning farmers. It was awesome.
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