Valentine Goats


If you haven't noticed, we're a bit obsessed with our farm animals here at Little Seed. They're not just animals to us - they're our herd! They feed us, they make us laugh (and cry), they're our close companions, and the first thing we think about when we wake up.        

So naturally, when we started selling our Farmstead Milk Soap, we thought they would make the best ambassadors. We decided that each soap would feature one of the very special goats who had helped make that bar, by being a part of our unique pastured milking herd. 

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"Tomorrow", An Old Time Recipe For New Year's Leftovers

We had a little get together yesterday to celebrate the New Year. We had such a great time showing the farm to new friends and old and feasting on traditional southern New Years fare. We cooked up a storm, our friends did the same, and before long the kitchen was overflowing with all sorts of deliciousness including black eyed peas, cornbread, and turnip greens. Of course, we had leftovers, and this time, we also had a plan for them! 

Roy, a lifetime local and one of our first farmer friends here, gave our Aunt Tracy a recipe for the leftovers called "Tomorrow" which we just ate for breakfast, today. They're delicious little savory cakes that could be made with any type of beans. I hope some of you will give it a try with your New Years left overs! Here's the recipe:

Take your cold beans from yesterday out and mix with an egg or two - enough that the mixture can be shaped into patties (if you use too much, it's ok - you can cook them like pancakes).  

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To Your Health! Eggnog, Raw And Fresh

What is the month of December without Eggnog?

Eggnog is one of those foods I would indulge in year round if possible. When the holidays roll around and that little creamy yellow carton of joy shows up in the supermarket once again, I can't help but feel conflicted emotions. One is pure joy accompanied by a gluttonous urge to grab the carton and guzzle it right there in the shop. The other is sadness and dismay when remember how seriously unhealthy it is for you. I actually look at the ingredients every year. Yes, I've read them many times before and I'm well aware of what I'll find before I look, but for whatever reason I'm eternally hopefully that someone has granted my wish of an eggnog that I could sip on more than once or twice in the month of December without feeling like I'm doing myself a serious disservice.

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