At sunrise, Guinea Cent and the four new "house keets" raid the new garden space we made with visiting friends this past week. We made a mini permaculture "food forest" with a fig tree, blueberry bushes, and comfrey.
Elvis The Rooster's comb has started to come in, managing to make him look even more muppet-like...
The heat has been bringing out the naughty side of the goats. One day they decided to take a detour through the hay barn, running up the ramp and launching themselves out the other side, on the way back to the pastures after milking. The last one through, Mayday looked back at me after landing, still all excited, "OK! Now you go!".
Inspired by having a few extra mouths to feed this past week, I hauled the massive roll of homemade country sausage given to us by new friends here out of the freezer, and tried my hand at a real deal southern dish - Biscuits and Gravy. And then I made it again 2 days later. I'm hooked!
We released the keets in the Guineamobile for the first time last week. After a little guidance, they figured out the trap door...
We finally got a good rain last night! It fell for a solid 2 hours in the late afternoon and started up again in the night. We're hoping we get a little more this week...
Ever-curious Karmen says "Hi!"